Press releases

Unfortunately, only some of our press releases are available in English. Feel free to consult more press releases in Dutch and French.

07/05/2021 (07/05/2021) Europe Day 2021

ECC-Net has recovered a total of over 4 million euros since the beginning of the pandemic for consumers who suffered travel cancellations or another COVID-19 related breach of their rights.

20/11/2020 (20/11/2020) Support to more than 1 million European consumers: ECC-Net celebrates 15 years of cross-border consumer protection

What to do when your flight to Poland is cancelled? When the handbag you bought in Italy is damaged? When you are caught in a subscription trap? Since its creation, the European Consumer Centres Network (ECC-Net) has assisted more than one million consumers with issues like these. In the context of COVID-19 outbreak alone, over 90,0000 consumers turned to ECC-Net for help. Today, the Network celebrates its 15th anniversary.

18/06/2019 (20/06/2019) Geo-blocking

Consumers can buy from any European web store, but often they are not aware that these web stores are not obliged to deliver anywhere in Europe.

07/05/2018 (07/05/2018) 25 years of Europe for Consumers

The European market is celebrating its 25th anniversary this year. For Europe Day on May 9th, the ECC-Net reviews some of the most important changes of the quarter century in the field of consumption.

14/03/2017 (14/03/2017) The impact of counterfeiting on online consumer rights in Europe

At this special occasion, the ECC-Net launches its report on the impact of counterfeiting on online consumer rights in Europe and publishes 10 tips on how to avoid bying counterfeit on the Internet.

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