Vehicle insurance in Europe
Did you buy a car abroad and would you like to drive it yourself and import it into Belgium – travelling via other European countries? Or would you like to use your car during a long stay abroad? In such cases you will be covered by your Belgian car insurance.
Which situation applies to you? Check our tips.
- I am importing a vehicle I bought in another EU country.
If you would like to drive the vehicle to Belgium you will need temporary insurance cover. Check the ECC-advies ECC advice on car transport insurance.
- I am driving my car during a long stay abroad.
Since June 2008 your insurance company can no longer terminate your agreement or demand an extra premium if you are staying in another EU country for an extended period of time. Long term stays within the European Union consequently no longer require risk adaptation. If you register your vehicle in another member country the insurance agreement will be legally terminated. Find out everything you need to know about purchasing a car abroad.
- I am renting a car in Europe.
Are you planning to rent a car? Remember to carefully check what type of insurance cover is included in the agreement and what is offered as a supplement. Find out more about car hire in our separate section or our brochure.